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New Year's Resolutions?

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Every December, I go back and forth on whether a New Year's Resolution is a good idea for me. After reading Forbes article "4 Reasons to Make a New Year's Resolution (even if you don't keep them)," I decided to go for it this year!

Article link:

To summarize the article: A New Year's Resolution can give you Intention, Hope, Responsibility, and Inspiration, all of which I am in desperate need of this Year. So, this weekend I wrote down my New Year's Resolutions, and upon sharing them with my family, my 13 year-old laughed in my face saying: "There's NO way you will accomplish number 2." I am hoping that comment keeps me motivated... Nobody tells me what I can't do! ;)

My First New Year's Resolution:

To start blogging again…Hence, here we are. If I am being honest, this past year has been another exhausting year for my business. I have been so focused on staying afloat and keeping our studio open that I lost inspiration and ideas for the blog. I'm still a little short on ideas. Therefore, if there is anything you want to hear about from me or any of our yoga teachers, feel free to email us!

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My second Resolution (the one my 13-year-old mocked me for):

Catch up on family photo albums. This Christmas, my mom gave each of my 3 sisters and me a photo album of our childhood pictures. It reminded me how important it is to document these times for my kids…not just on my phone/computer but with actual photographs, albums, and timelines. I am only about six years behind; our last family album is from my youngest child's first birthday. I am not sure why my daughter laughed at me; but, I know who I am going to recruit for help with this Resolution. ;)

My Third Resolution is yoga related:

I want to be able to hold my handstand without the help of a wall or another person. I've been working on my handstand for years and most days my strength and form are there but, I just can't seem to inch away from that wall. So, maybe my Resolution isn't just getting into my handstand; but, also figuring out how to trust myself and overcome my fear of falling?

Untamed journal

My Last Resolution is one that I have done in past years. It has always noticeably helped my mental state but I neglected it these past 2 years.…

To keep a gratitude journal. This year I have decided to try the formatted journal, "Get Untamed, How to quit pleasing and start living" by Glennon Doyle. I read her book, "Untamed," in 2020 and highly recommend it, especially if you are a person who struggles with self-image issues, setting boundaries, and/or trusting yourself.

Link to buy:

There you have it... I have put my resolutions on paper and on the internet. Hopefully, this will help hold me accountable. But, if these resolutions aren't all accomplished for whatever reason, life will go on. At the very least I will have tried and found a little hope and inspiration, which feels pretty damn good right now.

Betsy Link

Betsy Link