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A One-Day, Local Yoga Retreat? Yes, Please!

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YOGA retreat

You don't need to travel far for a fantastic yoga retreat!

When I think of a yoga retreat, the first thing that pops into my mind is an all-out, two-week retreat in India. Travel-wise, it is intense. Cost-wise, it is even more intense. I don’t know about you, dear yogi, but I am not in an India yoga retreat phase of life. Between sports schedules and school constraints, our family is lucky to cobble together a few weeks of sacred free time per year. A long yoga retreat, out of town (never mind state or country), is not in the current deck of cards. But you know what is?... A one-day yoga retreat that is local and will be led by my favorite instructors from my favorite yoga studio! I can assure you that Ahh Yoga’s one-day retreat will debunk the notion that bigger is better. Less will genuinely be more. Let us count the ways.

  1. Accessibility – Traveling is lovely! But after a summer of road trips, plane rides, and time off work, this one-day local retreat makes for such an easy yes. Not having to arrange for extended childcare, dog sitters, or pack a suitcase…simply grab your mat and go!
  2. Cost – I don’t know what the average international yoga retreat runs, but something tells me it’s a bit north of the $185 that Ahh Yoga’s retreat will cost you (or $50 if you decide on the ½ day option). You’ll walk away with all the physical and emotional benefits of a yoga retreat, and your bank account will be none the wiser!
  3. Connection—At our studio, it’s commonplace to show up early for classes and stay late just to soak up a few minutes to catch up with one another. This yoga retreat offers a wonderful opportunity for us to connect on a deeper level throughout the day’s events. Between workshops, flows, hiking, lunchtime, or sitting side by side during a chair massage (or facial!), you will have ample time to spend with your yogi besties.
  4. Pause—Our culture has made us all multitasking, maximum-efficiency queens and kings. My middle name is Productive. But that all changes once I’m on my mat. I slow down, am in tune with my body, focus on my breath, and become truly present when I practice yoga. A full day spent in that blissful state of pause and presence sounds exactly like what the doctor ordered for Kelly Productive Hurwitz.
  5. Recharge—This is an opportunity to escape our daily stresses and demands. We can gift ourselves a day of relaxation, physical and emotional wellness, delicious food and drink (someone other than us will prepare—hallelujah!), and connection to our yoga community, nature, and within ourselves. This condensed retreat will allow us to re-enter life feeling refreshed and reset.
  6. And last but certainly not least…Impact – Maybe we don’t need to leave home to find deeper meaning within our practices. Perhaps we just need to shift our perspective right where we’re rooted. Do you know the zen feeling we achieve during savasana? Imagine living in that space for an entire day. Imagine sharing that with your fellow yogis. Think of how you would carry it long after the retreat.

The older I get, the more I realize that value is never found in things or places. It’s the people and the experiences we have with them that are priceless. They are the finishing pieces to the puzzles that make up every beautiful memory. Ahh’s Mini Yoga Retreat is another puzzle waiting for us, dear yogis. Your only task is to sign up, show up, and stay open at this AHHmazing mini-retreat!



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Kelly Hurwitz

Betsy Link

Betsy Link